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Tuesday Brew Day: Roast House Coffee

  • 1 min read

It’s Tuesday Brew Day and we’ve used our Rose Gold KBGV Select to brew up some Congo Mapendo, a limited release coffee from Roast House Coffee!

This fully washed light roast coffee is vibrant, layered with notes of white grape, vanilla and grapefruit. Sourced from the Congo by the sustainable Mighty Peace Coffee and the Mapendo cooperative, which consists of 40% women, this coffee represents a commitment from Roast House Coffee to sustainability, equity and innovation.

Congo Mapendo is one of 4 washing stations where this coffee is processed. Grown in the South Kivu region between 1,480-2,000 meters above sea level of the famous Kenya variety, SL-34 and processed using the washed method.

Join us on Instagram for a chance to win a bag of Roast House Coffee.

Photo: The Roast House Team

Roast House Coffee was founded in 2010 in Spokane, WA by Deborah Di Bernardo and Jim Haynes with one clarified vision in mind: source certified coffees exclusively. To this day, they maintain a high-trust supply chain, sustainably sourcing coffee from producers grown in bio-diverse environments without the use of chemicals.

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